HomeNewsRecord-breaking exports of onions from Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan in 2021
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Record-breaking exports of onions from Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan in 2021

The volume of onion exports from Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan has increased 10 times in volume over the past few years! Moreover, final volume of 2021 by the end of the year may exceed the record volume of the last years, and the share of Turkmenistan in the total volume of onion exports from Uzbekistan will increase by 1.5 times, EastFruit analysts say.

The annual export volume of onions from Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan increased from 1.8 thousand to 18.7 thousand tons from 2017 to 2019, but decreased to 12.9 thousand tons in 2020.

However, according to EastFruit estimates, the volume of onion exports from Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan exceeded 19 thousand tons from early January to mid-October 2021, which is the highest figure for 2017-2021.

Note: * data for 2021 – according to preliminary estimates of EastFruit analysts

The share of Turkmenistan in the total export of Uzbek onions ranged from 5% to 7% in 2017-2020, but in 9 months of 2021 it reached 9.2%.

Moreover, the volumes of Uzbek onion exports to Turkmenistan by months and/or seasons completely differ from those of other major onion importing countries. As a rule, the main volume of Uzbek onions to northern countries is exported in April-June – these are early onions, the harvest of which in Uzbekistan starts in the second half of March and early April, depending on the region. For Turkmenistan, it is different. Only a few hundred tons were exported there from Uzbekistan in April-June 2019 and 2020, which is no more than 3% of the annual export volume to Turkmenistan. The exports in the first quarter accounted for 50% of the annual export volume to Turkmenistan in 2019 and 90% in 2020.

The distribution of Uzbek onion exports to Turkmenistan by quarters in 2021 differs from previous years – it is more even. According to preliminary estimates of EastFruit analysts, the total export in the first quarter and the second half of the year will correspond to more than 75% of the annual onion export from Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan.

Taking into account this nature of Uzbek onion exports to Turkmenistan, it is assumed to last till the end of the year. This means that the volume of onion exports from Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan in 2021 may significantly exceed the record figure of 2019, and the share of Turkmenistan will be about 10% in the total onion exports from Uzbekistan.


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