HomeNewsCurrent season price of blueberries will exceed last year by 10-15%

Current season price of blueberries will exceed last year by 10-15%

The blueberry season this year is very delayed and will actually begin next week. Currently, the price of blueberries is three times higher than last year, because there is no berry yet. However, as soon as the berry enters the market in large quantities, the price will drop and will be higher for 10-15% to last year’s average price.

This was announced to AgroPortal.ua by the General Director of LLC “Ukrainian Yagoda” Taras Bashtannik.

“According to my forecasts, due to export opportunities, the market will unload, and even in the domestic market, we expect a good price. Also, a positive moment of this season for producers is the fact that the number of people wishing to work on the field is higher than in previous years, which was facilitated by the current situation and the people’s understanding that in Ukraine earnings for picking berries can be at the Polish level,” Taras Bashtannik notes.

According to the expert, the export of berries was not affected by the restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We already export frozen garden strawberries, and there are no special changes at the borders. Traditionally, we plan to export 95% of frozen raspberries. We plan to sell blueberries in Ukraine, where the market is growing, and prices are not inferior to export ones. Besides, if it makes economic benefits, then we will send 35-50% of the harvested blueberries for export,” Taras Bashtannik notes.


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