HomeNewsCabbage prices in Ukraine have risen by 50% in one week
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Cabbage prices in Ukraine have risen by 50% in one week

Cabbage in Ukraine continues to rise in price intensively, and its growth rate has noticeably accelerated this week, EastFruit project analysts report. Key players say the consistently high demand for cabbage both in the domestic market and from export-oriented companies is the reason for the new price increase. At the same time, the supply volumes of cabbage in Ukraine in the current season are much lower than last year, which is due to the reduction in the area planted with white cabbage.

Today Ukrainian farmers sell cabbage no cheaper than 15-17 UAH/kg ($0.52-0.59/kg), which is on average 50% more expensive than at the end of the last work week. According to market experts, the main reason is the re-export of Ukrainian cabbage to Russia through Belarus. Due to the boom in the cabbage market in Russia, the demand from Belarusian export companies in Ukraine has increased several times over the past week.

Read also: Stocks of cabbage are rapidly declining in Russia

“Given the current developments on the cabbage market in Ukraine, there are no prerequisites for a decrease in selling prices until the end of the current season, – Olexandr Khorev, head of the APK-Inform: Vegetables and Fruits project, comments, – It will be difficult to relieve stress on the domestic market with imported white cabbage. Today our main suppliers, in particular Poland, are covering the deficit of white cabbage simultaneously in Ukraine and Russia, where today there is a severe shortage of it.”

As a result, current prices for ù cabbage in Ukraine are on average 7 times higher than last year in the same period. Nevertheless, most Ukrainian producers are keeping cabbage in storages, hoping to sell it at an even higher price in early spring.


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