HomeNewsAgro cluster Jizzax Organic from Uzbekistan will use drones 
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Agro cluster Jizzax Organic from Uzbekistan will use drones 

According to Narodnoe Slovo, on February 2, 2021, agro cluster Jizzax Organic got permission from Uzbekistan’s Civil Aviation Agency to operate crewless aerial vehicles. Jizzax cluster will be the first Uzbek enterprise that uses drones in agriculture. In particular, drones will be used to:

• identify anomalies in the growth and development of plants;

• apply spot fertilization;

• monitor the uniformity of watering.

“Unmanned aerial vehicles will provide Jizzax Organic specialists with up-to-date and complete information about the quality, damage, or death of crops. Such monitoring by agronomists takes a long time and does not allow covering every meter of land. If the damage to the seedlings occurred in the depths of the field, there is a risk of not noticing it. With unmanned aerial vehicles, we will identify and eliminate problems at the early stages: diagnose diseases, spray weeds, fight pests, and complete sowing,” said Hikmatilla Karimov, director of Jizzax Organic.

The prototype arrived in Uzbekistan in November 2020.

“We will use the drone for mapping and tracking plant vegetation. Also, this year, Jizzax Organic will purchase a heavy-duty fertilizer spraying drone. Based on the test results, it will become clear how many drones we need to cover the sown areas fully. In 2021, forage crops and grasses will occupy 10,000 hectares,” said the director of Jizzax Organic, Hikmatilla Karimov.

The national Jizzax cluster has already received a radio frequency for the drone and will start operating it with the start of sowing operations.

Reference: Jizzax Organic LLC was established in 2019. The enterprise is aimed at developing the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan. Jizzax Organic LLC is engaged in animal husbandry, crop production and selection, and genetic work. The total investment in the Jizzax agricultural cluster is $150 million.


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