HomeNewsPrices for Turkish tomatoes gradually grow higher in Ukraine
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Prices for Turkish tomatoes gradually grow higher in Ukraine

Analysts of the EastFruit project report that throughout this week, marketers have been raising prices for imported tomatoes. This trend is the result of active demand under the conditions of insufficient supply from local greenhouses.

Tomato supplies from Turkey have been stable for the third week in a row. At the same time, the demand, according to the sellers, is quite active, and most sales of imported tomatoes target at retail chains. Taking into account the stable sales rates, this is another opportunity to raise prices.

Currently, tomatoes imported from Turkey are sold at 28-32 UAH/kg ($0.99-1.13 per kg), while at the end of the last week prices varied within UAH 26-28 per kg ($0.92-0.99 per kg).

As for tomatoes from local stationary greenhouses, prices in this segment remained the same as the previous week. According to the sellers, the quality of local tomatoes was not high enough to sell them at higher prices, even under the conditions of active demand. As a result, sales of locally produced tomatoes stayed within the range of 22-30 UAH/kg ($0.78-1.06 per kg).

As for further forecasts, market participants assume that soon the supply of tomatoes from Turkey will increase, and given that the sales season in Ukrainian factories is coming to an end, imports will remain the main supply channel for tomatoes.


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