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Size of cherry matters

EastFruit analysts have repeatedly drawn attention to the trends in the global cherry market, which is growing very quickly and requires cherries of larger calibers. In particular, we wrote about this in detail in the article “Global cherry market and Chinese cherry phenomenon”.

It is not surprising that all the nurseries are in constant search of new varieties and technologies that would make it possible to obtain the largest possible size of cherries. A new record for the size of cherries was broken in Italy.

According to the website of the nursery Salvi Vivai, at the experimental cherry plantation of the Salvi Vivai company in Runco di Portomaggiore in the province of Ferrara, the weight of one Sweet Stephany fruit was recorded at 26.45 grams and broke the previous record of 23.93 grams.

The caliber of the largest, record-breaking fruit was close to 41 mm, and the average cherry calibers ranged from 32 to 36 mm.

“Salvi Vivai naturally took this news with great pride: it meant international recognition for the development and research that started thirty years ago in collaboration with prestigious universities, – explains Silvia Salvi, Managing Director of Salvi Vivai. – Experimenting with a new variety of fruit trees requires significant investment, since the effect of each type of processing on the product must be studied. The amount of water, added nutrients, and agronomic treatments must be adjusted every year to ensure continuous improvement of the variety. The fact that we are producing Guinness World Record cherries is another crowning achievement of our teamwork.”

Read also: The demand for Moldovan cherries is still low in Russia

“After ten years of development and research in the cultivation of a special cherry variety, this result is very satisfying because it confirms the importance of the work done over the years,” explains Stefano Tartarini, professor at the Department of Science and Food and Agriculture at the University of Bologna and a new project manager at Sweet.

The project that led to creation of the Sweet family was started thirty years ago under the leadership of Professor Emeritus Silviero Sasavini and Dr. Stefano Luigi – it was a long process of crossbreeding and selection in a traditional way.

Recall that one of the main problems in the export of cherries in Uzbekistan now is the difficulty in collecting bulks of cherries of 28+ for importers from China and other countries where they are ready to pay a premium price for large-caliber cherries.


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