HomeNewsSaving peach orchards — how to warm fruit trees in Uzbekistan (video)
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Saving peach orchards – how to warm fruit trees in Uzbekistan (video)

EastFruit specialists have been bringing attention to the current serious threat to future fruit harvests from the cold cyclone hitting Central Asia. Many growers and farmers in Uzbekistan are using traditional ways to protect orchards from sudden changes in temperature on budding or flowering trees. They prepare a mixture of manure and hay, place such heaps throughout the orchard, and set them on fire. The resulting thick smoke envelops the orchard and thus helps to protect trees from sub-zero temperatures.

Local resident Gulnora Abdunazarova-Seitmaganbetova posted the video below on her Facebook page showing another method of warming fruit trees in intensive orchards during a period of unexpected frosts in Uzbekistan. The video shows an intensive orchard in the Yukorichirchik district of the Tashkent region (Farm Eco Agro Product) with peach trees on which the first buds have already appeared.

The farmer placed 1,250 buckets mixed with a ratio of 30% ash + 70% diesel fuel (diesel oil) per bucket across 10 hectares. The buckets are located approximately 8 to 10 meters apart on opposite sides of the row spacing.

Read also: Bonfires in orchards – farmers of Tajikistan save the harvest

The mixture burns throughout the night, but you have to add new portions to the mixture every 3-4 hours so the work of maintaining the fire and heat goes on all night. 12 people were involved in this agricultural rescue work.


The outcome will be noticeable in 3 days. If the buds do not turn black, then the efforts were not in vain and the orchard and the future harvest are saved.

EastFruit will continue to closely monitor developments in the countries of Central Asia and promptly inform about all changes.


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