HomeNewsMoldovan trader plans to export 500 tons of apricots to Ukraine and Belarus
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Moldovan trader plans to export 500 tons of apricots to Ukraine and Belarus

By the end of this week, the Moldovan company Mialex Nord SRL will send to the Ukrainian and Belarusian markets the first “Spring Blush” apricots purchased from farms in the village of Gangura, Ialoveni district. According to the head of the company Oleg Aleksandrov, the company plans to export about 500 tons of these fruits to the Ukrainian and Belarusian markets this year. Part of the products will go to wholesale buyers, another part – to two supermarket chains.

The head of Mialex Nord claims that Spring Blush is popular in the post-Soviet countries. In addition, this variety is characterized by a relatively low shelf life. The market in neighboring Romania is in demand for apricot varieties with a longer shelf life in the commercial chain, in particular Kioto and Faralia. However, there are still too few orchards of these varieties of apricots in Moldova (they have not yet been included in the state register).

Last year, according to the Ministry of Agriculture (MADRM), Moldova exported about 2 thousand tons of apricots and about half of this volume was exported to the Ukrainian market. The apricot harvest in Moldova amounted to about 8 thousand tons from 3 thousand hectares of orchards last year (in 2019 – 17 thousand tons, 2018 – 16 thousand tons).


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