HomeNewsApple processing in Moldova to halve in 2020/21
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Apple processing in Moldova to halve in 2020/21

According to experts from Moldovan agricultural producers associations, as of mid-November, Moldovan production factories of concentrate accepted approximately 150,000 tons of apples from the 2020 harvest for processing. The total volume of the “technical apple” may increase to about 160,000 tons when taking into account the raw materials also coming from the refrigerators of agricultural and commercial enterprises in the spring.

According to expert estimates, last season canning factories and fruit drying/distillation enterprises processed about 290,000 tons of apples in the 2018-2019 season with 340,000 tons being the maximum figure in the outgoing five-year period.

Read also: Apple massively rises in price, especially Idared – market overview for the 48th week of 2020

All market operators associate the sharp decline in apple processing with a significant shortage of harvest. Recently, EastFruit reported a downward adjustment to the expert assessment in apple production for the Republic of Moldova in 2020 to 430,000 tons. Also, the capacity of the local market of the “technical apple” was negatively affected by the fact that farmers stored even small apples in their refrigerators and sold them to exporting traders, which in other years would normally go for industrial processing.

In such conditions, canning enterprises did not even try to actively compete with each other for raw materials, that is, to raise purchase prices for them above the level of minimal risks.


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