USA • EastFruit Информация о рынке овощей, фруктов, ягод и орехов Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии Wed, 04 Aug 2021 21:23:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 USA • EastFruit 32 32 Uzbek melons were exported to the US for the first time Thu, 05 Aug 2021 04:00:24 +0000 EastFruit experts note that a new country located far from Uzbekistan joined the countries importing Uzbek melons – the United States. The Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the United States and Canada announced the arrival of first Torpedo melons from Uzbekistan to the United States on their Facebook page. In the past...

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EastFruit experts note that a new country located far from Uzbekistan joined the countries importing Uzbek melons – the United States.

The Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the United States and Canada announced the arrival of first Torpedo melons from Uzbekistan to the United States on their Facebook page.

In the past few years, the geography of Uzbek melon exports has expanded significantly. According to EastFruit experts, until 2018, Uzbekistan exported melons to no more than 11 countries, excluding export volumes of less than 18 tons. In 2019, the number of countries that imported melons of at least 18 tons from Uzbekistan increased to 14, and in 2020 – to 17. The volume supplied to the US market is not reported. Apparently, this will become known at the end of the 2021 season.

In the third decade of June, EastFruit wrote about the start of the exports of melons from Uzbekistan. At that time, this was evidenced by two factors – a decrease in wholesale prices in the domestic market by 10 times from the end of May to 17 June and a noticeable intensification of export of melons.

Currently, the exports of Uzbek melons is in active phase, facilitated by low wholesale prices in the domestic market of Uzbekistan. As of July 29, 2021, Uzbekistan has the lowest wholesale prices among countries where EastFruit monitors them for more than 60 types of fruit and vegetable products weekly. According to participants in the logistics services market, melon ranks first in numbers of requests for vehicles for fruit and vegetable exports from Uzbekistan.

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How can Georgia build a successful almond industry – US expert Tue, 20 Jul 2021 05:49:08 +0000 In the beginning of July 2021 Super Almond with the support of the USAID Agriculture Programme has organized a weeklong training for Georgian almond growers. Dr. Gurreet Brar – Super Almond expert and a professor at the California State University, Fresno – has led the training and the field demonstrations...

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In the beginning of July 2021 Super Almond with the support of the USAID Agriculture Programme has organized a weeklong training for Georgian almond growers. Dr. Gurreet Brar – Super Almond expert and a professor at the California State University, Fresno – has led the training and the field demonstrations in almond orchards in Eastern Georgia. Dr. Brar has shared his impressions and views on the developing Georgian nuts industry exclusively for EastFruit.

Dr Brar in the super-high density (SHD) almond orchard in Gardabani, Georgia

EF: Dr. Brar, being the first time to Georgia, what are your first impressions about the nuts sector here?

GB: Georgian nuts industry is in infant stage now. There are about 5000 ha of almond orchards, however, all established with the experimental approach, as decision on varieties and planting systems were made mostly relying on advice of inputs suppliers and experiences of other countries, which may have climate or soil conditions different from Georgia.

EF: what planting system would you recommend to Georgian growers – innovation of Spanish agronomists, high-density, or traditional?

GB: it depends on goals and conditions of each project, as there are lots of moving parts we must consider. Generally, increased density of trees per ha decreases time for a tree to fill its space and reach full production. As a result, high-density trees begin to produce and bring money earlier. However, increase of density requires higher initial investments per ha. Mechanization in pruning and off-the ground harvest are the biggest advantage of super-high density (SHD) system, as it helps to keep the quality and reduces risk of nuts contamination with aflatoxins. But since nuts are picked from trees, they will require additional drying. On the other hand, yield is a function of total canopy volume and light interception. Since total canopy volume in SHD system is lower than in open-center/traditional, open-center system has demonstrated better in-shell yields per tree. Currently, in the CSU Fresno we are making trials to define specifics of the SHD system, which we believe has a potential. Traditional system is still valid and equally good, as farmers who plan to have low cost, low inputs and keep small-scale operation will still benefit from it.

Training in Tbilisi

EF: what are the trends in almond varieties development currently?

GB: There is obviously a trend towards self-pollinated varieties. I would recommend Georgian growers to use late-flowering varieties to avoid spring frosts. Non-Parel is still the most popular cultivar in California, meaning in the whole almond industry, however, there are new high-producing breeds coming on the market. Some recent releases from private nurseries, from USDA and the UC breeding programs have been introduced. But they all are still early blooming in comparison with Mediterranean cultivars. There are a lot of different variety and rootstock selections that fit different processing and production needs. First, we need to focus on doing adaptive trials with various US and European varieties in Georgia. Then we will have a choice based on the intended processing and marketing need, for example whether you want to sell a hard-shell nut in-shell or sell for culinary uses etc. The choice of production system can then be based on the bearing habit and vigour of rootstock-variety combination.

Overall, when choosing the variety, you need to consider (a) blooming period to avoid wind and late frosts, (b) harvest period – to match mechanization needs and utilize market opportunities, (c) growth habit (d) soil borne issues to be considered when selecting the rootstock and (e) vigour – to efficiently use the space between trees and the rows. All these factors are important. For example, you cannot plant a vigorous variety with spreading growth habit in a super high-density design. For that reason we need a lot of data, Georgia-specific data on many cultivars and rootstocks under these climatic conditions. If we manage to generate data, we can bet on the success of the industry.

EF: what is your view on the Georgian almond sector development?

Growers must think through each step when planning investment, as it will last for the next 20-25 years. Decisions should be made based on knowledge and trials results, not emotions. To make the industry commercially oriented, it requires introducing key elements to it:

First, the industry should be built on the natural potential, which is stored in high-quality genetic material and rootstocks. Virus-free planting material should guarantee sustainable nuts production. New genetics introduction should be supported by adaptive trials by qualified professionals in the country. In the countries, where extension service has limited capacity, involving private sector through private-public partnership for testing new fruits varieties has demonstrated quick results. Super Almond is working to provide the US knowledge and experience in the nuts sector of Central Asia and Caucasus region.  We are also suppliers of quality genetic materials for propagation for nurseries. I believe this system will work well in Georgia in cooperation with the Scientific research center.

Georgian growers are thirsty for knowledge. If they have a possibility to use study materials of the University of California available online, there is gap of the applied practice, which we were trying to spot and fill in during this visit. Thus, I see the potential for cooperative extension system, which should be industry-funded. The system should be built on local advisors/agronomists, who will be close to growers, consulting them on daily basis, like a family doctor; and senior advisors– both local and international – who will provide guidance on very specific directions, like a cardiologist or a virologist. To make this system fully operational and show results from decisions made based on knowledge, 3-4 years of work are needed. The sooner we start, the better it will be for the industry. Currently, we seek support of donors for this exciting project, because all activities are not sustainable without extension system. As a scientist, I see great learning possibilities for the US students in Georgia, thus in the nearest future we will organize knowledge exchange activities for American students from the University Fresno to Georgia to support research as part of our extension program. During my visit I have met and interacted with a number of young, energetic agronomists who are passionate about getting knowledge and applying it, which is encouraging. We need to channelize that spirit and provide guidance.

The third pillar is of course, sales. Free trade agreements between Georgia and EU, China, Commonwealth of Independent States and Turkey would help. However, considering high competition on the market, processing infrastructure is absolutely crucial for delivering high-quality product. As in other nuts, aflatoxins are an issue in almonds and it ties back to good management practices. Therefore, we consider further capacity building within Super Almond programme.

In California water is a serious problem: both availability and quality. With the recent drought, many older almond orchards are being removed and those will likely not be replaced by almond orchards. Farmers are moving towards more drought and salt tolerant crops like pistachios. In my opinion, the bearing almond acreage in California will be reaching a plateau. With the increasing demand of various almond products worldwide, the almond industry is expanding to Europe, Australia and South America. We in California still contribute a huge share to world almond production and produce great quality kernels, but places like Georgia have great potential to produce to meet increasing demand.

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Unexpected facts and typical misconceptions about the Indian apple market from EastFruit Mon, 22 Feb 2021 06:30:39 +0000 India is the most important market for all apple exporting countries. This country already imports about 300,000 tons of fresh apples annually and imports are growing rapidly. India is one of the four largest world apple importers, but few people really understand how this market works and what factors affect...

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India is the most important market for all apple exporting countries. This country already imports about 300,000 tons of fresh apples annually and imports are growing rapidly. India is one of the four largest world apple importers, but few people really understand how this market works and what factors affect it.

EastFruit experts decided to fill this gap and explain the most common misconceptions and the most unexpected facts about the Indian apple market. We hope that this information will help in the more successful exports of apples to the Indian market.

Misconception #1 – Apples are expensive exotic fruits available only to wealthy Indians.

Indeed, India is sometimes called the “fruit basket of the world” thanks to the huge assortment of fruits produced in the country. Apples have been consumed in India since ancient times. It is a common and standard daily product just like mangos, bananas, grapes, guava, lychee, papayas, oranges, watermelon and sapota (zapota, or sapodilla). Therefore, apples are regularly bought by rich and poor Indians alike, albeit at different prices and different qualities, because the assortment of apples in India is very wide.

Misconception #2 – Apples do not grow in India because it is too hot.

After we learned that the apple is a traditional product for India, you can guess that it actually grows here. According to some estimates, India is even one of the five largest world apple producers and grows 2-3 times more apples than the whole of Ukraine! In India, there are northern mountainous and hilly states where there is agro-climatic zones ideal for obtaining high-quality apples. Overall, 2.1 to 2.9 million tons of apples are grown in India annually and the area of ​​apple orchards is estimated at 330,000 hectares. The main production is concentrated in the states of Jammu, Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh (HP), and Uttarakhand. Smaller amounts of apples are grown in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur and Sikkim.

Misconception #3 – The weather is hot in India so apples are mainly sold in supermarkets and stores with refrigerators.

In fact, the situation is exactly the opposite. The bulk of apples are sold on layouts by street vendors. That is why if you sell apples to India, their hardness must be at the proper level even after delivery, otherwise it will simply not be sold in time. Also, this is what determines the preferences for apple varieties in this country.

Misconception #4 – Consumers in India prefer smaller apple sizes because the size of the fruit is easier to consume.

This may be true in some countries, but in India, the reason is quite different.  Apples, like other fruits, are traditionally sold in India by the piece and the price is set for one apple. Therefore, it is more profitable for the seller to buy small-sized apples since he can make more money from them. Why are apples in India sold by the piece? There are many reasons, but the main one is that not all sellers have scales and not all scales can be trusted. The quantity is a more objective indicator.

Misconception #5 – Consumers in India prefer a shiny apple so it is better to wax apples shipped to that country as US exporters do.

Many have seen apple sellers in India polish their waxed American fruit to shine to entice consumers. However, in recent years, waxed fruit is considered unnatural. Consumers have begun to pay attention to this and many importers now prefer unwaxed apples.

Misconception #6 – Mostly red apples are sold in India because they have a vibrant appearance like other exotic fruits. Therefore, consumers are not interested in green and yellow apple varieties.

This is untrue. Hindus prefer sweet fruits and they believe apples that are green and yellow in appearance cannot be as sweet as red ones. What about Golden Delicious apples, you ask? Yes, they can be very sweet, too. However, the Golden variety deteriorates very quickly in warm climates; becomes loose and not juicy. Therefore, it is usually not sold for that reason.

Misconception #7 – In India, consumers traditionally prefer only one apple variety – Red Delicious

In fact, this apple variety in India was very popular, but it is rapidly losing its popularity. It is being replaced from the market by the Gala variety. Consumers in India do not like the grainy flesh of the Red Delicious apple as well as its clones such as the Red Chief. The more homogeneous and juicy flesh of Gala apples is more appealing to the Indian palate.

Read also: Against the backdrop of declining apple exports from Ukraine, farmers raised prices for quality apples

Now, that we explained some top misconceptions, let’s cover the most interesting facts about the Indian apple market:

Fact #1 – Consumers in India prefer the elongated apple. Therefore, round varieties are not very popular here.

Fact #2 – It is better to deliver apples to India from Ukraine, Poland and other countries of the region after it has been in storage for 3-4 months and not immediately after harvesting. The reason is trivial: the density of the apple after storage in the CA, ULO, DCA storage and treatment with 1-MCP remains high and its juiciness does not deteriorate, but the amount of sugars continues to grow. Therefore, the apple delivered in January-April will be sweeter than these delivered in October. For Indian importers, this is an important indicator because they value their reputation with the consumer. Another reason is described below.

Fact #3 – The season of massive apple imports by India lasts from March to July. From August to December, the volume of imports remains very low due to the presence of large volumes of India’s home-grown inexpensive apples. This season may expand in India with infrastructure development for storing its own apples and increasing the technical skill level of Indian farmers.

Fact #4 – The growth in apple consumption and imports to India in recent years is due not only to an increase in income and population but for health reasons above all else. Apples are considered a healthier fruit in India than other exotic fruits.

Fact #5 – China has not supplied any apples to India since June 2017 due to the regular detection of quarantine organisms in the supply of Chinese apples. However, the situation may change because India has already agreed to carry out additional inspections of the apple safety system from China. The two countries are in the process of negotiation.

Fact #6 – The trade war between India and the United States had a negative impact on apple supplies, but the US remained the main supplier. In the first seven months of 2019, India imported only 50,000 tons of apples from the United States, while a year earlier imports for this period reached 140,000 tons. Apple suppliers from Italy benefited from this, which increased supplies more than 15 times up to 46,000 tons. Also, apple imports to India from Poland and Turkey have grown significantly.

Andriy Yarmak, an economist at the Investment Centre of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), believes that India can become a good market for apples from Ukraine. “The preference of Indian consumers for a juicy, hard, well-coloured and small-sized apple as well as a consolidated and well-structured apple import market in this country, represent an excellent opportunity to diversify the supply of these fruits from Ukraine. Larger apple sizes can be shipped to the EU and the Middle East, while smaller ones to India and, for example, Bangladesh. The prices for an apple that importers from India are willing to pay are very attractive for Ukrainian producers and exporters. Even when their trade disputes with the United States are resolved and the possibility of supplying apples from China to India opens up, Ukraine will have its own niche in this market because Ukrainian apples will always be preferable here in terms of taste, colour, hardness and juiciness compared to an apple from Poland,” says Andriy Yarmak.

However, Ukraine has not yet resolved access issues to the Indian apple market: “Unfortunately, our competent authorities have not yet been able to receive a response from the relevant authorities in India, despite the fact that Ukraine has long fulfilled and even exceeded the volume of trial apple supplies to this country. According to our information, the competent authorities of India did not have any complaints about the safety of Ukrainian apples, but they are in no hurry to issue a permanent permit for the imports of Ukrainian apples,” says the FAO expert.

According to Mr Yarmak’s forecasts, Ukraine will be able to supply up to 20,000 tons of apples to India annually if its production continues to grow.

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Beautiful fresh produce departments in supermarkets? It’s real! Examples from Turkey and the US (photos) Thu, 21 Jan 2021 14:41:40 +0000 The EastFruit team pays great attention to appearance and merchandising during our retail audits of the fruit and vegetable departments of supermarket chains in Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Georgia, and Tajikistan. A beautiful fruit and vegetable department with high-quality products attracts significantly more customers, improves their mood, stimulates their loyalty, and...

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The EastFruit team pays great attention to appearance and merchandising during our retail audits of the fruit and vegetable departments of supermarket chains in Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Georgia, and Tajikistan. A beautiful fruit and vegetable department with high-quality products attracts significantly more customers, improves their mood, stimulates their loyalty, and makes them come back to the supermarket more often.

Serdar Ceylan, Fruits and Vegetables Category Manager of the international supermarket chain Carrefour in Turkey, recently shared photos of the produce department in Istanbul on LinkedIn. We decided that this information is worthy of being published here as well. This is a prime example of a department to which you want to return as often as possible.


Below, we also offer photos from the produce department of the supermarket chain Whole Foods Market from the State of Washington in the United States. These photos were taken in 2016 by Andriy Yarmak, an economist at the Investment Center of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

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Turkish spice exports rise 15% during the pandemic Thu, 21 Jan 2021 14:20:55 +0000 Anadolu Agency reports, citing data from the Union of Exporters of the Aegean Region of Turkey, that exports of spices from Turkey in 2020 increased by 15% compared to the previous year and reached $ 201.7 million. In 2019, exports of spices from Turkey amounted to $175.5 million, and in 2020,...

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Anadolu Agency reports, citing data from the Union of Exporters of the Aegean Region of Turkey, that exports of spices from Turkey in 2020 increased by 15% compared to the previous year and reached $ 201.7 million.

In 2019, exports of spices from Turkey amounted to $175.5 million, and in 2020, exports increased by 15% per cent and exceeded $ 201.7 million.

During the reporting period, Turkey exported spices to over 100 countries globally, and the United States became the leading importer of spices.

So, in 2020, exports to the United States amounted to $ 29.7 million, followed by Germany – $ 22.8 million, and China – $ 8.941 million.

The most popular item among Turkish spices is thyme – $ 59.8 million. The second place is taken by bay leaves – $ 44.5 million, and the third is caraway – $ 11.4 million.

A member of the Aegean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters’ Association, Latif Ozbek, said that 2019-2020 was favourable.

Ozbek stressed that in 2021, entrepreneurs intend to increase exports by 20% compared to last year.

“Against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic in the world, most of the hotels and restaurants have not functioned for quite a long time. However, despite this, we managed to increase exports. Increased sales boosted demand in supermarkets by self-isolating shoppers,” he said.

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Blueberry exports from Peru in 2020: Record-low price and record-high volume Tue, 12 Jan 2021 16:31:48 +0000 In 2020, as we predicted in the berry business yearly review, Peru has consolidated its leadership as the global leader in blueberry exports. According to Agrodata Peru, in 2020, Peru increased its blueberry exports by 27.5% to 155.600 tons, widening the gap with Chile, where the growth in blueberry exports was less...

Сообщение Blueberry exports from Peru in 2020: Record-low price and record-high volume  появились сначала на EastFruit.


In 2020, as we predicted in the berry business yearly review, Peru has consolidated its leadership as the global leader in blueberry exports. According to Agrodata Peru, in 2020, Peru increased its blueberry exports by 27.5% to 155.600 tons, widening the gap with Chile, where the growth in blueberry exports was less significant.

However, the dynamic decline in the average export price of Peruvian blueberries is a factor to consider. The average price of blueberries exported from Peru in 2020 fell sharply by 19.4% and was record-low since the country’s entry into the global export market. Thus, the total revenue from exports rose by less than 3% to $833 million despite the sharp increase in volume.

Naturally, the average export price decrease led to a reduction in the blueberry business’s profitability for producers. However, as most of Peru’s blueberry plantations are just beginning to bear fruit, most farmers’ overall income has not declined.

The leading export destination for Peruvian blueberries in 2020 was the United States, which bought 52% of the total export volume. At the same time, farmers growing blueberries in the United States have recently been actively protesting against the increase in blueberries’ supply from Peru. They are planning to take measures to protect their market.

Read more: US may restrict blueberry imports today – what does this mean for the global market?

The Netherlands, China, UK, Hong Kong and Canada were also important markets for blueberries from Peru. The largest blueberry exporters from Peru were Camposol SA, Hortifrut Peru SAC, Complejo Agroindustrial Beta SA, Agrovision Peru SAC, Agricola Santa Azul SRL, Agroberries Peru SAC, Danper Trujillo SAC and Agricola Cerro Prieto SA.

It is worth mentioning that EastFruit analysts predict a decline in blueberry prices in Ukraine and Georgia in 2021 due to the expected sharp increase in production in these countries and Spain, Poland and the whole region.

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US may restrict blueberry imports today – what does this mean for the global market? Tue, 12 Jan 2021 13:00:13 +0000 As of today, January 12, 2020, the biggest event in its history may occur in the global market – the largest US blueberry importer may restrict access to its market. A hearing on tariffs by the International Trade Commission (ITC) regarding US blueberry imports could hit producers hard in Mexico,...

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As of today, January 12, 2020, the biggest event in its history may occur in the global market – the largest US blueberry importer may restrict access to its market. A hearing on tariffs by the International Trade Commission (ITC) regarding US blueberry imports could hit producers hard in Mexico, Chile, Peru, Canada, and Argentina as well as blueberry consumers in the United States.

In addition, EastFruit analysts note that this will also hit Europe and North Africa where part of the blueberries previously intended for the US market will be redirected.

“The United States annually imports more than 250,000 tons of fresh cultivated blueberries and wild blueberries. For comparison, the Netherlands, which is in second place, imports only about 50,000-60,000 tons and then for subsequent re-export. Accordingly, the growth of any restrictions on access to the US market will greatly affect the state of the global blueberry market. Spain, which already expects lower prices in 2021, may become the hardest hit as Spain’s blueberry harvesting and marketing season overlaps with that of the Southern Hemisphere and Mexico. Another major exporter, Morocco, may also be affected. Even Ukraine, Poland, and Georgia will feel the impact of lower prices for blueberries before their harvesting seasons, because consumers, and therefore supermarkets, are very reluctant to raise the price of goods,” says Andriy Yarmak, an economist at the Investment Centre of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Earlier, EastFruit announced the formation of the American Blueberry Growers Alliance, which initiated the protection of American producers from imports of cheap berries from third world countries. Yet, the bulk of blueberry imports falls in three countries: Peru, Chile, and Mexico.

In opposition to the Alliance, the Blueberry Coalition for Progress and Health has been created and argues that restricting access to the US market will negatively affect the US in particular. The coalition says the US blueberry market is thriving and the organization’s goal is to ensure that market demand for this healthy and tasty fruit is fairly met by defending against an ITC Section 201 investigation. US blueberry consumption is at an all-time high of 1.79 pounds per person per year (812 grams), which is more than 300% more than the per capita consumption of blueberries in 2005, according to the Coalition.

Read also: Berry business of 2020: summary and forecasts for 2021

“Restricting US blueberry imports will limit consumer access to these healthy, tasty, and nutritious berries. Domestic producers cannot single-handedly satisfy the rapidly growing consumer demand in the United States for a year-round supply of this healthy superfruit. Blueberry imports are critical both to meet current demand and to further market growth for the benefit of all growers here and abroad,” the Blueberry Coalition for Progress and Health said on their website.

“With over 75% of Americans not dieting, increasing obesity, and deteriorating overall health in the US population, we must maintain continued growth and supply of wholesome foods. While blueberry imports have increased, US blueberry revenues have also increased. Imported blueberries enter the US market mainly in September-March with very little overlap with the US harvest in spring and summer. Moreover, imported blueberries tend to be more expensive than domestic blueberries. Blueberry prices in the United States rise as imports increase and decrease as imports decrease. The protective measures will only hurt American consumers by raising the price of imports and reducing the supply of blueberries without any real benefits for local producers who cannot substitute for imports,” said the Coalition.

The Coalition includes such influential organizations and private companies as Driscoll’s, Chilean Blueberry Committee, Fresh Produce Association of the Americas, Chilealimentos, Camposol, Berries Paradise, California Giant Berry Farms, Family Tree Farms, and others.

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American scientists presented three new varieties of blackberries Tue, 27 Oct 2020 11:15:56 +0000 The best of Eastern and Western blackberry genetics collaborated to create varieties Eclipse, Galaxy, and Twilight produced by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Agrotimes writes about this with reference to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The ARS Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon, working in collaboration with the...

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The best of Eastern and Western blackberry genetics collaborated to create varieties Eclipse, Galaxy, and Twilight produced by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS).

Agrotimes writes about this with reference to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The ARS Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon, working in collaboration with the Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station, has combined the desired traits of the eastern upright blackberry and western blackberry in new varieties with semi-upright thornless shoots.

Eclipse was the first of three of these crosses to go from test fields to final selection.

Triple Crown, one of the parent Eclipse strains known for its high yield, energy, and flavour, ripens in late summer. Eclipse inherits the same strong performance but matures earlier.

“Eclipse has inherited the outstanding Triple Crown flavour with sweet fruity notes and hints of root beer and spices. But the Eclipse strain has a firmer rind, which allows for better handling and transport of the berries, which is a benefit for the fresh market,” said biotechnologist Mary Peterson, who works in the blackberry breeding program.

The second blackberry variety, Galaxy, is also from the Triple Crown and inherits similar traits. However, it has a harder skin like the Eclipse, and it ripens a few days earlier than Eclipse. Galaxy berries are slightly larger and darker than Eclipse berries.

“People who have tried Galaxy notice notes of blueberry, mint, and grape,” said Mary Peterson.

The third variety also has a “heavenly” name – Twilight. It matures as the last of the three varieties, 4-5 days after Eclipse. Twilight plants are taller than Eclipse. Tasters noted its complex, deep blackberry flavour with floral and honey notes, but the berries may not be as sweet.

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China sharply reduced imports and increased exports of apples Thu, 10 Sep 2020 11:04:00 +0000 EastFruit analysts report that in the first seven months of 2020, China sharply reduced imports and sharply increased exports of fresh apples. In January – July 2020, apple imports to China decreased by 41% compared to the same period in 2019 to 55 thousand tons, but it was still higher...

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EastFruit analysts report that in the first seven months of 2020, China sharply reduced imports and sharply increased exports of fresh apples.

In January – July 2020, apple imports to China decreased by 41% compared to the same period in 2019 to 55 thousand tons, but it was still higher than in 2018. The leading suppliers of apples to China were New Zealand, Chile, the USA, and South Africa, which almost completely covered China’s needs for apple imports. Relatively small amounts were also imported from France, Australia, and Poland. The sharpest decline, more than one and a half times compared to 2019, was noted in apple imports from Chile.

The export of apples from China increased over the specified period by 28% to 463 thousand tons, and the primary buyers of Chinese apples were the Philippines, which increased imports by 2.3 times. Top buyers also included Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Nepal, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

In the first seven months of 2020, China supplied wholesale apple consignments to 52 countries globally, trying to replace the Russian market. According to trade sources, the Chinese apple still entered the Russian market, but in much smaller volumes in transit through third countries. Besides, it is possible to highlight the growth in apple imports from China to Uzbekistan from almost zero to 6 thousand tons and a nearly threefold increase in Kyrgyzstan’s shipments compared to 2019.

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Research: Ukraine becomes one of the leading exporters of organic fruits and vegetables to EU markets Wed, 09 Sep 2020 12:45:00 +0000 Due to its favorable geographic location, as well as favorable conditions for farming, over the past few years, Ukraine has become one of the leading suppliers of organic fruits and vegetables to the markets of Western Europe, occupying, as of the beginning of last year, the 4th place among the...

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Due to its favorable geographic location, as well as favorable conditions for farming, over the past few years, Ukraine has become one of the leading suppliers of organic fruits and vegetables to the markets of Western Europe, occupying, as of the beginning of last year, the 4th place among the supplying countries in EU.

This is stated in the “Research of the Ukrainian Market for Organic Fruit and Vegetable Products-2019“, which was carried out at the initiative of the Ukrainian Fruit and Vegetable Business Development Project (UHBDP) with the participation of specialists from the certification body “Organic Standard,” as well as the educational and consulting project Organic Business School.

As the authors of the study note, currently, Ukrainian exporters of organic fruits and vegetables are actively using the advantages of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, which is part of the Agreement.

The research emphasizes that additional control measures over Ukrainian products introduced in the EU in January 2016 do not apply to fruit and berry and vegetable crops, simplifying the EU’s export of fruit and vegetable products. At the same time, the study notes that competition, especially in the developed EU market, is relatively high. “Therefore, Ukrainian exporters need to prepare very carefully for the supply and promotion of their products to this market,” researchers report.

The largest organic markets in the world are concentrated in the USA, Germany, and France. Thus, in percentage terms, the US organic market has a 47% share of the world market, and the EU organic market – 37%.

“These are the areas of export of organic products from Ukraine that can be a priority. Although Ukrainian exporters should also pay attention to countries such as Switzerland, Canada, and Asian countries, particularly the United Arab Emirates, Japan, and China,” authors of the study noted.

The UHBDP also notes that organic vegetables have the largest market share among all categories of organic produce.

In countries such as Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, and Sweden, organic vegetables account for 10% or more total vegetable assortment sales. In comparison, organic fresh carrots and pumpkins account for almost 30% of Germany’s corresponding product segment.

Analyzing the Ukrainian organic fruit and vegetable market, the authors of the study draw attention to the fact that some product categories have an advantage in terms of sales on the external market, and some on the domestic market.

“In particular, Ukrainian producers of organic vegetables sell their products mainly on the domestic market through supermarket chains (Silpo, Auchan, Good Wine, WineTime), small specialized stores (Natur Boutique, Eco Lavka), Internet, direct delivery to end consumers through the organic basket concept, or through a store near the farm. The products are sold fresh. The assortment of fresh organic vegetables on the Ukrainian market includes potatoes, beets, carrots, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions, garlic, radishes, beans, lettuce, arugula, spinach, Swiss chard, cilantro, dill, basil, eggplant, zucchini, sweet corn, white cabbage, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Peking cabbage, and Kale cabbage.

Organic fruits, including berries, are sold mainly for export to the EU and Switzerland. Partially, these products can also be found in the domestic market. For example, such products are watermelon, melon, pumpkin, grapes, blueberries, lingonberries, blackberries, raspberries, garden strawberries. These products are sold mainly fresh, although the berries are also sold frozen,” researchers reported.

It is noted that fresh organic apples supplied from Ukraine to foreign markets are intended only for further processing in the country of export. “The decision on whether to export fresh apple or apple concentrate from Ukraine is made depending on the market situation and the cost of logistics,” the authors of the study explained.

It should be noted that, in addition to cultivated organic fruit and berry products (raspberries, garden strawberries, chokeberries, apples), Ukrainian operators also sell wild plants: blueberries, blackberries, lingonberries, cranberries, elderberries, chokeberries, blackthorns, rose hips, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, wild strawberry, apple, and nuts.

“In total, about 20 Ukrainian operators export only wild berries. At the same time, 3 Ukrainian operators export walnut kernels, but only obtained as products of wild plants. The export of nuts grown in the fields of farms is not yet conducted. The main reason for the absence of such shipments is the young age of the walnut plantations and insufficient volumes for export,” the study explains.

The study also states that in 2018, 8 exporters supplied organic raspberries to EU markets, grown by 28 Ukrainian producers.

“An analysis of the importing countries of this berry shows that Ukrainian producers export their products to countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia, and the United Kingdom. What is more, every year, the geography of Ukrainian organic exports raspberry increases,” authors of the research noted.

Сообщение Research: Ukraine becomes one of the leading exporters of organic fruits and vegetables to EU markets появились сначала на EastFruit.

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