raspberries • EastFruit https://east-fruit.ru/en/ Информация о рынке овощей, фруктов, ягод и орехов Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии Wed, 22 Sep 2021 15:02:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://east-fruit.ru/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-Logosq-32x32.png raspberries • EastFruit https://east-fruit.ru/en/ 32 32 Jorge Duarte: The protected culture could improve the berry sector in Georgia https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/jorge-duarte-the-protected-culture-could-improve-the-berry-sector-in-georgia/ https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/jorge-duarte-the-protected-culture-could-improve-the-berry-sector-in-georgia/#respond Thu, 23 Sep 2021 04:00:07 +0000 https://east-fruit.ru/?p=87126 Jorge Duarte, a Portuguese agronomist who advises berry growers, was hired by USAID’s agriculture program in Georgia to advise local growers. After a series of online seminars in 2020, he visited berry plantations in Georgia twice in April and July 2021. Since Jorge has extensive experience working with berries in...

Сообщение Jorge Duarte: The protected culture could improve the berry sector in Georgia появились сначала на EastFruit.


Jorge Duarte, a Portuguese agronomist who advises berry growers, was hired by USAID’s agriculture program in Georgia to advise local growers. After a series of online seminars in 2020, he visited berry plantations in Georgia twice in April and July 2021. Since Jorge has extensive experience working with berries in Morocco, Egypt, Romania, Spain, Italy, Turkey, EastFruit Georgian experts discussed the current state and prospects of blueberry production in Georgia with him.

What can you tell us about the raspberries and blackberries sector in Georgia?

The main tendency is that raspberries and blackberries are planted in open fields in Georgia. In my experience, it is not the best choice for the fresh market. Usually, open-field berries are sold to the processing sector, as open-field production opens the door for various diseases, sunburns, and mold on fruit which makes it less valuable for the fresh market. All of these climate-related issues reduce production potential and marketable yields. Berries for fresh markets are produced in tunnels for a protection from rain, direct sunlight, pests, and diseases.

Most varieties, like Nova, Caroline, Himbo Top, and Tulamagic (primocane variety) I’ve seen in Georgia are old. Only recently the USAID Agriculture program has introduced to growers new varieties such as the primocane Amira, which can be harvested in autumn and spring. Early varieties are important because summer is warm in the regions, where raspberries and blackberries are planted in Georgia. Temperature is high, above 30 degrees Celsius, and humidity is low, below 50% in Summer. These conditions aren’t favorable for berry production. From my point of view, the best climate for summer harvesting in Georgia is in the Guria region because of the humidity from the Black Sea and the milder temperature as well as the softer climate. Therefore, it would be ideal for Georgia to produce raspberries and blackberries in spring and autumn in tunnels and shade nets to improve the quality and yields. Addition of the spring and autumn production to the main production season in summer and a good mix of varieties allow to be presented on supermarket shelves for a longer time and secure long term contracts

How can Georgian farmers improve quality now?

They can start with placing shade nets in orchards to avoid the negative effects of the sun. This is something we are already discussing with growers but they have not started investing in it yet. According to my information, few suppliers are working on the Georgian market, which makes it difficult to import materials or makes imports too expensive. Having shade nets is just one thing to improve quality now. It is not the ultimate solution.

Another point is the high pH level in the soil. It is difficult to grow plants above pH level of 8 without correcting the soil because most nutrients are absorbed on soil pH levels 6-7. Most of the soils are not amended with elemental sulfur to lower pH levels in Georgia. This should be done a minimum from 6 to 12 months before planting to create a reaction and regulate pH shift in soil. Besides that, growers need to use more acidic fertilizers, such as ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, and monoammonium phosphate to keep a lower pH in the root zone. This also includes the acidification of the irrigation water due to the high bicarbonate levels in it which creates a strong buffer in the pH level and consequently in the soil of the root area.

When starting from scratch, obviously, the key to success is to have the correct plan from the beginning. It should start with choosing suitable varieties for Georgia to harvest in spring and autumn and building specific tunnels for each variety.

I would also advise farmers to plant more seedlings per ha than are planted now. Normally from 12000 to 16000 plug plants are planted per ha, but this number is 6000-7000 in Georgia. This system was used in the US and Europe 20-30 years ago, back then farmers had more space between plants because they were growing them in bundles. Today 3 to 4 plants are planted in one linear meter as a single plant, with a trellis system in Europe.

The Georgian growers I’ve visited are using a trellis system but the distance between plants is 0.75 or 1 m instead of 0.25 or 0.33 m. As the old system is used mostly with floricane varieties in Georgia that give fruits only after the first year in the soil, plants will multiply from root suckers, increasing orchards’ density, but in order to reach higher yields, growers should start with a higher number of plants.

Is it possible to reduce the costs when producing for processing?

To lower the costs, berries are machine harvested. Handpicking will always be more expensive, however, we cannot avoid picking by hand, when targeting fresh market. At the same time labor shortage is already an issue in Georgia. When working with fresh market, there will be some percentage of non-conditional fruit that will go in processing anyway thus the cost for handpicking should be considered.

Read also: Mechanical harvesting is becoming a reality in Georgian orchards

When picked for processing, growers can leave the fruit on plants for a longer period and pick them at once, this way labor cost is lower, however, berries for processing are also much cheaper, Growers should consider requirements from buyers. In Portugal, if you pick blackberries for the fresh market, you can harvest on average of 3-4 kg in an hour but for processing, you can collect 10-12 kg, according to picking data from growers in the sector.

What is your advice to growers or those who are planning to invest in this sector?

Gain knowledge before planting. Visiting raspberry and blackberry farms outside of your country should be the first thing to do. This will familiarize you with the newest trends and the future of this sector. If there is not enough knowledge in your country, you should look for outside support to get advice that can help you in the business development.

Get informed about the best varieties in the market, talk to advisors and nurseries. Select the most suitable  varieties for exports. Selling locally and exporting is different. Locally you can sell more ripe fruit, but if you have to transport it by plane or truck, you should have the best varieties with the best shelf life to keep the quality.

For local or close export markets like Russia, varieties such as Tulameen, Glen Ample, Imara, Kweli, or Mapema, still can be the most interesting ones, as it is in Eastern European markets. For long-distance export, it is better to get new varieties with longer shelf life like Amira, Lagorai, Wengi, Optima, Enrosadira, Kwanza, Eros, or Clarita. Most of the best varieties are protected with a license. Only licensed nurseries like Driscolls, Berry World, ABB Breeding, or Planasa sell them.

Make analysis of strengths and weaknesses to see the challenges you have to face.

Find the best land and water to start your project. I saw that some regions are lacking water. State water supply channels are in deficit or non-existent there. Without water availability, berry production will be scarce. The minimum is to have a source with at least 8 m3/hour.

Order raspberry or blackberry plants at least 6 months before planting. Even if you want to plant long canes (mature cane ready to produce) in February – March you need to order these plants at least 9 to 12 months ahead.

Consider not only production, but post-harvest handling. Cold chain from the field to the farm is a key to keep quality and freshness of berries.

Low demand is traditionally a weakness in berry markets but low supply is often the problem too, especially when markets have just started to develop. Georgia needs to create a steady supply to have a steady demand. Once consumers start seeing berries more often on the shelves their behavior will change, but it will take some time, as berries might still be considered a luxury fruit.




Сообщение Jorge Duarte: The protected culture could improve the berry sector in Georgia появились сначала на EastFruit.

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Raspberry season kicks off in Georgia https://east-fruit.ru/en/exclusive/raspberry-season-kicks-off-in-georgia/ https://east-fruit.ru/en/exclusive/raspberry-season-kicks-off-in-georgia/#respond Tue, 01 Jun 2021 05:00:54 +0000 https://east-fruit.ru/?p=77638 In Georgia, in the regions of Kakheti and Kvemo Kartli, the first harvest of raspberries began, according to farmers, this year the season started earlier than last year. According to preliminary estimates, the listed regions are expected to have a good raspberry harvest due to favorable climatic conditions in spring,...

Сообщение Raspberry season kicks off in Georgia появились сначала на EastFruit.


In Georgia, in the regions of Kakheti and Kvemo Kartli, the first harvest of raspberries began, according to farmers, this year the season started earlier than last year. According to preliminary estimates, the listed regions are expected to have a good raspberry harvest due to favorable climatic conditions in spring, although hot summers remain a problem for raspberry production as most prodcers in Georgia still are not equipped with sun protecting shade cloths.

The cooperative “Agrostore”, which grows organic raspberries on 2.5 hectares in Kakheti, has already begun harvesting. This year, the company plans to sell most of the yield in supermarket chains, as well as in the Tbilisi agrarian market. Since this Monday, Agrostore’s raspberries are already selling in the Carrefour supermarket chain in Tbilisi with the brand name Siamo. At the beginning of the season, price at the supermarket will be 19 GEL/kg ($5.8). Although they intend to get a high price throughout the season due to premium quality and branded berries.

Raspberries are already ripe in Kvemo Kartli too. The Partnership Berry-Berry plans to deliver the first harvest for sale in a few days. Like Agrostore, the partnership is also involved in organic raspberry production, with the transition period to organic production ending in this autumn. Berry-Berry plans to sell the primary quality raspberries in the supermarkets this year, and the rest will be delivered to the processing company Glenberries, which currently offers  5-6 GEL ($1.2-$1.8)  per kilogram of raspberries, which, according to the representative Alexander Vashakidze, is an acceptable price. Based on negotiations with supermarkets, the partnership will sell the first harvests at 10-11 GEL / kg.

On the last year’s season raspberry prices first appeared on east-fruit monitoring on 11 June. At the beginning the average wholesale price of raspberries was 10 GEL/kg ($3.3), but with the increase in supply (June-July), prices fell to 6-7 GEL/kg ($2-$2.3).

Сообщение Raspberry season kicks off in Georgia появились сначала на EastFruit.

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Fresh raspberries – the fastest growing export segment of Polish horticulture https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/fresh-raspberries-the-fastest-growing-export-segment-of-polish-horticulture/ https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/fresh-raspberries-the-fastest-growing-export-segment-of-polish-horticulture/#respond Mon, 11 Jan 2021 10:27:11 +0000 https://east-fruit.ru/?p=66930 According to EastFruit analysts, fresh raspberries and blackberries showed the largest increase in revenue from Poland’s exports in the first nine months of 2020. The exports of berries increased by 42% when compared to 2019 and reached $23.4 million. However, the impressive growth in export revenues was mainly driven by...

Сообщение Fresh raspberries – the fastest growing export segment of Polish horticulture появились сначала на EastFruit.


According to EastFruit analysts, fresh raspberries and blackberries showed the largest increase in revenue from Poland’s exports in the first nine months of 2020. The exports of berries increased by 42% when compared to 2019 and reached $23.4 million.

However, the impressive growth in export revenues was mainly driven by the rise in export prices for raspberries in 2020, while exports themselves grew by only 14%. Poland previously exported significantly more fresh raspberries, but in recent years, due to the shortage in labour, increased competition, and falling prices in the global raspberry market, it has reduced export volumes.

Thus, in the first 9 months of 2020, the export of fresh raspberries and blackberries (mainly raspberries) from Poland in physical terms amounted to 7,700 tons. In 2016, Poland’s raspberry and blackberry exports were almost 10,000 tons more and exceeded 17,000 tons. It seems that the first signs of recovery in Polish exports of fresh berries are now being observed.

Exports of frozen raspberries and blackberries from Poland continued to decline in volume from January to September 2020. yet, thanks to the rise in prices for raspberries, the total revenue from exports of frozen raspberries increased by 22%.

Read also: Berry business of 2020: summary and forecasts for 2021

It should be noted that in recent years Poland has been actively catching up with Serbia in regards to exports of fresh raspberries. Because Serbia also suffered from an increase in the supply of frozen raspberries from Ukraine and Bosnia and Herzegovina, producers then began to actively develop the fresh berry market. Moreover, Serbia is in close proximity to the largest fresh raspberry-consuming countries of the EU and also supplies fresh raspberries to Russia.

Unlike Serbia and Poland, Ukraine has not taken up the development of fresh raspberry exports, despite the fact that the distances and modern technologies of growing and processing are quite possible. In addition, the profitability of exporting fresh raspberries is significantly higher than the profitability of exporting frozen ones, but the level of risks is also higher.

Spain remains the world leader in the exports of fresh raspberries. Recently, Mexico has been actively catching up with the increase in the supply of fresh raspberries to the United States. The United States itself exports raspberries, but in a slightly different season supplying fresh berries mainly to Canada as well as by air to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, Hong Kong, Kuwait and even to the UK. Therefore, the United States is one of the three world leaders in terms of revenue from the exports of fresh raspberries even with very high labour costs in this country!

Сообщение Fresh raspberries – the fastest growing export segment of Polish horticulture появились сначала на EastFruit.

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