kuraga • EastFruit https://east-fruit.ru/en/ Информация о рынке овощей, фруктов, ягод и орехов Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии Tue, 16 Mar 2021 18:10:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://east-fruit.ru/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-Logosq-32x32.png kuraga • EastFruit https://east-fruit.ru/en/ 32 32 Dried apricots from Tajikistan to US and EU markets – the export experience https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/dried-apricots-from-tajikistan-to-us-and-eu-markets-the-export-experience/ https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/dried-apricots-from-tajikistan-to-us-and-eu-markets-the-export-experience/#respond Tue, 16 Mar 2021 18:10:26 +0000 https://east-fruit.ru/?p=71397 Improving apricot production and processing in Tajikistan expands its geography of supplies. Exports of dried apricots have reached 50,000 tons in just several years. These facts were announced by Lutfullo Ortikov, the founder of the fruit production company Fruits Valley, during the national online conference “Apricot business in Tajikistan: efficiency...

Сообщение Dried apricots from Tajikistan to US and EU markets – the export experience появились сначала на EastFruit.


Improving apricot production and processing in Tajikistan expands its geography of supplies. Exports of dried apricots have reached 50,000 tons in just several years. These facts were announced by Lutfullo Ortikov, the founder of the fruit production company Fruits Valley, during the national online conference “Apricot business in Tajikistan: efficiency of production, processing and marketing.”

The event was organized by the EastFruit project with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The partner of the event was the agro-media agency Sapieza.

“Tajikistan is one of the largest suppliers of dried apricots in the world. There are many varieties of apricots in Tajikistan that are used for drying. We started exporting dried apricots not only to traditional markets but also to developed markets,” said Lutfullo Ortikov.

According to the Fruits Valley founder, apricots in Tajikistan are traditionally dried under the sun: “Not every farmer is ready to dry an apricot in nature in a clean area. It is not so easy to organize this process competently. Ideally, we work with our farmers and suppliers to train them in accordance with the requirements of clients in the EU and the United States.”

Exports of dried apricot products

“The main export volume is in industrial dried apricots (30-35%), which we sell in traditional markets in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Uryuk (dried apricots with kernels) are a small and usually second-grade variety (industrial apricot). They are bought for compote mixtures and makeup 20% of exports. Their sales markets are to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the United States, and China.

Kuraga (dried apricots without kernels and of extra quality made of the Babai variety) are exported in a more expensive category. They are similar to Turkish dried apricots. Their sales markets are in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the United States, Poland, and Germany.

Iranians buy sweet kuraga (with sugar inside) in large quantities before Ramadan. They use it in a sacred place,” said Mr Ortikov.

He added that apricot kernels are a promising product that could open up new markets. “We already have contracts with Germany and we have started to supply this product to Italy.”

Read also: Global prices for fresh and dried apricots consistently decreasing, quality requirements increasing

Product packaging for the EU

The Fruits Valley company supplies products to the EU in large packages. “We do not use packing because of certain nuances. They do not trust us so they do the packing themselves on the spot. We send products in boxes and in bags without labels or stickers. The EU asks for a lot of documentation on the availability of packaging materials for food use and must not use metal staples in boxes,” explained the founder.

Labelling and logistics

Lutfullo Ortikov also paid attention to the question about labelling. According to him, each country has its own labelling requirements for each specific product both per unit of goods and per pallet. For example, the labels on products sent to Ukraine must be translated into Ukrainian.

“Deliveries from Tajikistan to EU countries are carried out by land transport to the buyer’s warehouse. The cost of delivery to the EU is on average $4,000,” he said.

A final takeaway by Mr Ortikov during the conference was the importance of creating a transparent supply chain. The end consumer must know the background of the product such as how the product was grown at what intervals and with what drugs it was processed.

You can watch the video below for more information on Fruits Valley’s experience of exporting dried apricots to the EU and US markets:

Сообщение Dried apricots from Tajikistan to US and EU markets – the export experience появились сначала на EastFruit.

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Global prices for fresh and dried apricots consistently decreasing, quality requirements increasing https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/world-prices-for-apricots-and-dried-apricots-consistently-decreasing-quality-requirements-increasing/ https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/world-prices-for-apricots-and-dried-apricots-consistently-decreasing-quality-requirements-increasing/#respond Fri, 12 Mar 2021 12:59:26 +0000 https://east-fruit.ru/?p=70851 World trade in dried apricots has been decreasing in monetary terms by 3.5% annually since 2011 but increasing by 0.5% in fresh apricots. This suggests that fresh apricots are in demand on the world market much more than dried. The trade volume in fresh apricots is much higher than dried...

Сообщение Global prices for fresh and dried apricots consistently decreasing, quality requirements increasing появились сначала на EastFruit.


World trade in dried apricots has been decreasing in monetary terms by 3.5% annually since 2011 but increasing by 0.5% in fresh apricots. This suggests that fresh apricots are in demand on the world market much more than dried. The trade volume in fresh apricots is much higher than dried apricots (kuraga). This data was presented yesterday by Andriy Yarmak, an economist of the Investment Centre of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), during the national online conference “Apricot business in Tajikistan: efficiency of production, processing and marketing.”

The event was organized by the EastFruit project with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The partner of the event was the agro-media agency Sapieza.

“If we talk about the quantitative expression of world trade, then the volume of fresh apricots is growing by 5.7% annually. On the contrary, the trade of dried apricots is decreasing by 1.2% a year,” stressed Andriy Yarmak. He pointed out it is important to understand that there is no magic “best variety” that is most in-demand on the world market.


“The producer’s ability to extend the season is of much higher importance for successful trading. For example, in Italy, producers try to be present in the apricot market for 9 months of the year. This is the magic best variety, or rather the right set of many varieties when you are on the market almost all year round. Tajikistan and Uzbekistan have good apricot varieties from which it is simply necessary to choose the best and intensify their production.

“The varieties must be transportable and tasty. For example, there is a tendency by the markets of the EU countries to increase the demand for two-tone varieties, while the demand for reds and light varieties are decreasing.

“Thanks to the cultivation of apricots in greenhouses, you can get an earlier product of the highest quality, which, in turn, allows you to get a higher price,” said the FAO economist.

Mr Yarmak referenced data in his presentation that Turkey is the leader in the world trade of dried apricots and it is also the largest apricot producer in the world. “Tajikistan, according to EastFruit analysts, ranks 4th in the world in terms of apricot production although official data is much lower than EastFruit estimates. Thus, Tajikistan is even ahead of Spain in terms of apricot production, but it has very weak exports, especially in the fresh apricot segment. Uzbekistan has a good balance of exports of dried and fresh apricots, but this country also has not yet fully realized the full potential of exporting these goods.”

He also stressed that the exports of fresh apricots bring on average three times more revenue than the exports of dried apricots: “This confirms once again that the added value in the fruit and vegetable business is not processing. After all, a cheaper product is always used for processing.” The average prices for apricots and dried apricots have a steady downward trend. “The market needs a higher quality apricot at a lower price, which means that competition in the apricot business is growing,” warned Andriy Yarmak.

The leaders in the imports of apricots in the world are Russia, Germany, and Iraq. The fastest-growing supplies are to Iraq, Pakistan, and Germany. The traditional sales market for Tajikistan – the Russian Federation – very quickly reduced imports due to the growth of its own production plus the decrease in the incomes of its population.

Сообщение Global prices for fresh and dried apricots consistently decreasing, quality requirements increasing появились сначала на EastFruit.

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Dried apricots among world’s top-12 produce items losing popularity – how to successfully sell dried and fresh apricots? https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/dried-apricots-among-worlds-top-12-goods-losing-popularity-how-to-successfully-sell-dried-apricots-and-apricots/ https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/dried-apricots-among-worlds-top-12-goods-losing-popularity-how-to-successfully-sell-dried-apricots-and-apricots/#respond Fri, 12 Mar 2021 06:30:55 +0000 https://east-fruit.ru/?p=70849 In order to be successful in the world trade of apricots and dried apricots (kuraga), it is necessary to know the main universal factors of success in the market like any other fruit and vegetable product. These factors were discussed yesterday by Andriy Yarmak, an economist at the Investment Centre...

Сообщение Dried apricots among world’s top-12 produce items losing popularity – how to successfully sell dried and fresh apricots? появились сначала на EastFruit.


In order to be successful in the world trade of apricots and dried apricots (kuraga), it is necessary to know the main universal factors of success in the market like any other fruit and vegetable product. These factors were discussed yesterday by Andriy Yarmak, an economist at the Investment Centre of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), during the national online conference “Apricot business in Tajikistan: efficiency of production, processing and marketing.”

The event was organized by the EastFruit project with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The partner of the event was the agro-media agency Sapieza.

Dried apricots are 11th in the ranking of Top-12 goods that are losing popularity in the world fruit and vegetable trade. What is the reason? As Andriy Yarmak notes, the first three places in rating success factors are quality.

“The first three most important factors are quality, quality, and quality. I noticed that many people in the countries of Central Asia and Eastern Europe misunderstand what quality means. This category must be considered from the point of view of the buyer. For wholesalers and supermarket chains, quality means, above all else, a problem-free product. A high-quality apricot is a fruit that a customer buys and returns to buy it again. To do this, the apricots should not only be tasty and beautiful, they should reach the buyer without losing their appearance and not spoiling for consumers. This is quality.

“Another equally important factor is the duration of deliveries. If you sell apricots for one week a year, then in the next week you will be forgotten. If you sell your product or range of products for a long time, then you are interesting to the buyers. In addition, it is equally important to guarantee a significant volume of supplies, which means that cooperation among producers is inevitable,” emphasizes Andriy Yarmak.

Another significant factor is the price. Mr Yarmak pointed out that this does not mean that it should be low. It is important to correctly determine the price of your product. “It shouldn’t be too high, but it’s also important not to sell too cheap. To do this, it is worth getting access to market information. Thanks to the EastFruit platform, this information is available today – all that is required from producers is to start using it. Additionally, the largest international trade group was also created by the EastFruit team where you can get not only information about prices and trends but also find buyers for your products,” stressed the FAO economist.

Mr Yarmak also drove home the importance of producers needing to invest in marketing. “Unfortunately, products do not sell themselves. There are no shortages of apricots in the world so it is important to promote your product by investing in marketing, sales, and public relations. In addition, the reputation of the producer is important, which is very difficult to win and very easy to lose,” cautions Andriy Yarmak to the attention of the conference participants.

It is not enough to sell just once; producers need to provide a service to the buyers. “For example, very often sellers lose contact with buyers immediately after the product’s sale. I highly recommend sellers to call after a certain amount of time and clarify the results of their trade with buyers. It is very useful for sellers to understand whether their product was successfully sold and whether they need to make any changes in the future. This outreach is also appreciated by buyers who are more likely to return to you in the future because you were interested in their problems and not just your own,” notes Andriy Yarmak.

The FAO economist clarified another very important point – the need to exceed expectations, at least by 10%. “Always try to do at least 10% more than the client requires; this is the key to success in any business.”

Be sure to watch the video about how apricots are grown, harvested, dried, and sold in Tajikistan on our EastFruit YouTube channel!

Сообщение Dried apricots among world’s top-12 produce items losing popularity – how to successfully sell dried and fresh apricots? появились сначала на EastFruit.

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National online conference “Apricot business in Tajikistan: efficiency of production, processing and marketing” https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/online-conference-apricot-business-in-tajikistan-efficiency-of-production-processing-and-marketing/ https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/online-conference-apricot-business-in-tajikistan-efficiency-of-production-processing-and-marketing/#respond Wed, 03 Mar 2021 06:30:02 +0000 https://east-fruit.ru/?p=70363 On March 11, 2021, the international project EastFruit will hold a national online conference “Apricot Business in Tajikistan: Efficiency of Production, Processing, and Marketing.” The conference will be held online from 9:00 to 11:00 (Dushanbe). The conference will be attended by international and national experts, producers, and other specialists. The...

Сообщение National online conference “Apricot business in Tajikistan: efficiency of production, processing and marketing” появились сначала на EastFruit.


On March 11, 2021, the international project EastFruit will hold a national online conference “Apricot Business in Tajikistan: Efficiency of Production, Processing, and Marketing.” The conference will be held online from 9:00 to 11:00 (Dushanbe). The conference will be attended by international and national experts, producers, and other specialists. The event will be held with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The partner of the event is the agro-media agency Sapieza.

During the conference, the main global trends in the apricot market will be discussed, the value-added chain in the sector will be analyzed, and the issues of entering export markets will be considered. In addition, the speakers will cover the topics of growing organic apricots, retail requirements for the quality of fresh and dried apricots. The topic of tourism will be how to organize tourist trips during apricot blooming.

Among the speakers of the event:

  • Andriy Yarmak, Economist, Investment Department, FAO, Italy;
  • Bakhtiyor Abduvohidov, FAO International Consultant, Tajikistan;
  • Andriy Pankratov, FAO International Consultant, Ukraine;
  • Sherzod Abdurakhmanov, Business Development Specialist, Tajikistan;
  • Kirill Novak, a buyer of dried fruits, Ukraine;
  • Lutfullo Ortikov, Founder of Fruits Valley Manufacturing Company, Tajikistan;
  • Alexander Koval, a specialist in the development of agritourism, Ukraine.

To register for the conference “Apricot Business of Tajikistan: Efficiency of Production, Processing, and Marketing,” please follow this link: https://forms.gle/17Dr16brwCXYQ17c6.

The conference will be held on the ZOOM platform and all registered participants will receive a link to the event.

Join the discussion of the challenges facing apricot producers in Tajikistan!

Сообщение National online conference “Apricot business in Tajikistan: efficiency of production, processing and marketing” появились сначала на EastFruit.

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Dried fruit exports from Tajikistan’s Sughd region reached $7 million in 2020 https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/dried-fruit-exports-from-tajikistans-sughd-region-reached-7-million-in-2020/ https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/dried-fruit-exports-from-tajikistans-sughd-region-reached-7-million-in-2020/#respond Tue, 16 Feb 2021 08:00:08 +0000 https://east-fruit.ru/?p=69170 Farmers of the Sughd region in Tajikistan exported 17,300 tons of dried fruits in 2020, which is almost 3,000 tons more than last year. In monetary terms, the exports of dried fruits amounted to $7 million, which is $1.72 million more than in the previous year, as reported by the...

Сообщение Dried fruit exports from Tajikistan’s Sughd region reached $7 million in 2020 появились сначала на EastFruit.


Farmers of the Sughd region in Tajikistan exported 17,300 tons of dried fruits in 2020, which is almost 3,000 tons more than last year. In monetary terms, the exports of dried fruits amounted to $7 million, which is $1.72 million more than in the previous year, as reported by the Sughd Regional Department of the Customs Service under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

According to the Department’s data, the region exported dried fruits to 14 countries near and far abroad.

The largest consumer of dried fruits from the Sughd region was Kazakhstan, which imported 5,700 tons of these products. Farmers also exported more than 5,100 tons to Iraq and more than 4,600 tons to Russia. The top importers of Sughd dried fruits were Germany (1,200 tons), Turkey (950 tons), Ukraine (666 tons), and Belarus (570 tons). Even neighbouring Uzbekistan imported 300 tons of various dried fruits from the Sughd region of Tajikistan.

In monetary terms, Russia spent a considerable amount of money in the region on dried fruits at $4.1 million, followed by Kazakhstan at $950,000, Iraq at $724,000, Belarus at $488,000, and Ukraine at $216,000.

Read also: Exports increased for lemons, dried apricots, onions, and grapes from Tajikistan’s Sughd region in 2020

Buyers from the United States and Western Europe purchased expensive, high-quality dried fruits, mainly dried apricots. The United States purchased more than 23 tons of various dried fruits at $2,650 per ton. The Czech Republic purchased 3.7 tons of dried fruits at $2,566 per ton, Israel purchased 8.5 tons of dried fruits at $2,127 per ton, and Latvia purchased 19.6 tons of dried fruits at $1,198 per ton. Poland bought 174 tons of dried fruits at $875 per ton.

Several countries bought cheaper dried fruits: China at $120 per ton, Iraq at $142 per ton, Kazakhstan at $165 per ton, and Turkey at $172 per ton.

The Sughd region mainly exports dried apricots and is the leading exporter of dried fruits in Tajikistan. In 2020, Sughd farmers exported 11,100 tons of dried apricots, which is 3,000 tons more than in 2019. In total, the value of dried apricot exports was $4.6 million, which is $1.3 million higher than in the previous year.

Other dried fruits exported by the Sughd region were plums, apples, peaches, pears, and a mixture of dried fruits. The exports of these products, except for the dried fruit mixture, was less than in 2019 both in quantitative and monetary terms.

Сообщение Dried fruit exports from Tajikistan’s Sughd region reached $7 million in 2020 появились сначала на EastFruit.

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Uzbekistan sharply reduced fruit and vegetable exports to Ukraine in 2020 https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/uzbekistan-sharply-reduced-fruit-and-vegetable-exports-to-ukraine-in-2020/ https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/uzbekistan-sharply-reduced-fruit-and-vegetable-exports-to-ukraine-in-2020/#respond Sat, 05 Dec 2020 06:00:25 +0000 https://east-fruit.ru/?p=64737 EastFruit analysts noticed a sharp drop in fruit and vegetable exports from Uzbekistan to Ukraine in the first nine months of 2020 due to a number of objective factors. During this period, Uzbekistan exported vegetables, fruits, nuts, and herbs to Ukraine for $12.8 million, which is 25% less than a...

Сообщение Uzbekistan sharply reduced fruit and vegetable exports to Ukraine in 2020 появились сначала на EastFruit.


EastFruit analysts noticed a sharp drop in fruit and vegetable exports from Uzbekistan to Ukraine in the first nine months of 2020 due to a number of objective factors. During this period, Uzbekistan exported vegetables, fruits, nuts, and herbs to Ukraine for $12.8 million, which is 25% less than a year earlier.

The largest decrease in export earnings was noted for products such as raisins (by 57%), onions (more than six times), prunes (by 41%), table grapes (by 47%), and watermelons (by 25%).

The supply of Uzbek melons, which has become the main fruit and vegetable product exported from Uzbekistan to Ukraine, sharply increased in terms of revenue. Melon export revenues from Uzbekistan to Ukraine doubled over the year to $2.5 million and 3,800 tons of products were supplied.

Read also: Uzbekistan exported a record amount of grapes to Russia in September

Exports of fresh apricots more than doubled in value terms as well. A total of 2,300 tons of apricots were imported from Uzbekistan to Ukraine.

Revenue from the supply of Uzbek herbs – mainly parsley and dill – increased by 20%. Also, the export of Uzbek dried apricots to Ukraine has grown quite sharply. In the first nine months of 2020, 789 tons of products were delivered, which is 72% more than a year earlier. Thus, Uzbekistan has strengthened its position among the main suppliers of dried apricots to Ukraine, bypassing Tajikistan, which has reduced supplies by 20%. Yet, Turkey remains the leader by a large margin.

Сообщение Uzbekistan sharply reduced fruit and vegetable exports to Ukraine in 2020 появились сначала на EastFruit.

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