• EastFruit Информация о рынке овощей, фруктов, ягод и орехов Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии Thu, 19 Nov 2020 15:47:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 • EastFruit 32 32 Ukrainian climate suitable for cultivating ziziphus fruit Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:03:52 +0000 Ziziphus fruit are small in size, round or oval in shape and become a reddish-brown colour when ripe. It is known by many names such as jujube or jujuba, unabi (Georgian), Chinese date, Chinese apple, Indian plum, Indian jujube or dunks. In Ukraine, few people know about this plant. But,...

Сообщение Ukrainian climate suitable for cultivating ziziphus fruit появились сначала на EastFruit.


Ziziphus fruit are small in size, round or oval in shape and become a reddish-brown colour when ripe. It is known by many names such as jujube or jujuba, unabi (Georgian), Chinese date, Chinese apple, Indian plum, Indian jujube or dunks.

In Ukraine, few people know about this plant. But, due to climate change, now it can be safely grown in southern Ukraine and even in more northern regions. It is drought resistant, but does grow well with humidity. Other advantages are the late flowering of ziziphus. According to the SEEDS website, this plant tolerates cold temperatures down to -25 degrees so May frosts would not harm it. The tree requires minimal pruning, cross-pollinates from insects and matures early.

Seedlings of this unique plant are actively being offered by many Ukrainian garden centers. There are approximately 400 varieties of this wonderful tree.

A huge advantage of growing ziziphus is that the plant does not require much care; it can grow in the poorest soils. A mature tree takes root about 3 metres deep where it has enough moisture. But, due to its deep root system, it does not like surface groundwater (excessive water can make the tree wilt). Also, this plant does not need to be treated with chemicals; it is practically unaffected by pests or diseases.

Read also (in Russian): In the markets of Moldova, buyers are offered three varieties of exotic ziziphus

Ziziphus fruit resemble a date, especially when they are slightly wrinkled. It ripens in late September through October. Harvest of this fruit can reach up to 30 kg per tree! Dried ziziphus fruit can be stored for two years or longer.

Ziziphus tastes like a sour apple without any smell. Experienced farmers advise to let the berries rest in a cold room for a while after picking – this makes the berry become tastier. Due to their sweet taste and chewy texture, this fruit is often dried. But ziziphus fruit can also be eaten fresh or used for making preparations such as compotes, jams, syrups, and candied fruits.

The fruit is also know for promoting good health. Ziziphus contains more ascorbic acid than citrus fruits as well as flavonoids, pectin, carotene, rutin, iodine, cobalt and other elements. It is also used by traditional herbalists to help with improving sleep and decreasing anxiety.

Сообщение Ukrainian climate suitable for cultivating ziziphus fruit появились сначала на EastFruit.

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Ukrainian plant breeders invented three new varieties of pears Mon, 20 Jul 2020 10:15:00 +0000 Scientists of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (IH NAAS) presented three new varieties of pears of their own selection. The head of the laboratory of selection and technology of growing fruit crops of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of...

Сообщение Ukrainian plant breeders invented three new varieties of pears появились сначала на EastFruit.


Scientists of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (IH NAAS) presented three new varieties of pears of their own selection. The head of the laboratory of selection and technology of growing fruit crops of the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Yulia Khodakovskaya, reported about this.

Ukrainian scientists presented the autumn pear variety “Vizhnitsa,” the authors of which are the famous plant breeders V.P. Kopan, K.M. Kopan, writes according to the press service of NAASU.

This variety is very popular because of its great taste and scab resistance. Besides, the tree is fast-growing, and the fruits can be stored in the refrigerator until December. Among the advantages is a high stable yield, and the variety is compatible with quince.

The variety “Veresneve Devo” of early autumn ripening (author Matvienko M.V.) was also presented. The variety is resistant to the main diseases of the pear and is characterized by a high average yield – 45-50 t / ha.

To create the third variety of winter ripening period “Chinese Lantern”, plant breeders used varieties that have natural genetic resistance not only to fungal diseases but also to bacteriosis, which only East Asian varieties have.

“A very promising variety with high yields. Now it is undergoing a qualification examination and will be included in the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine this year,” the scientist noted.

Сообщение Ukrainian plant breeders invented three new varieties of pears появились сначала на EastFruit.

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New varieties of red currants of Ukrainian selection are grown in Ukraine Fri, 17 Jul 2020 08:59:00 +0000 Berries are a hot topic for agricultural producers because the berry market is scarce both in Ukraine and abroad. Besides, if the manufacturer is ready to supply packaged or frozen products, then the demand for it increases significantly, writes with reference to Such a calculation was made by...

Сообщение New varieties of red currants of Ukrainian selection are grown in Ukraine появились сначала на EastFruit.


Berries are a hot topic for agricultural producers because the berry market is scarce both in Ukraine and abroad. Besides, if the manufacturer is ready to supply packaged or frozen products, then the demand for it increases significantly, writes with reference to

Such a calculation was made by the heads of Aleksandriyskiy Agro Holod LLC from the city of Smila (Cherkasy region, Ukraine) when they decided to start a currant business two years ago.

“We chose red currants for cultivation,” said Vitaly Pismenny, deputy director of the company. – We came from considerations that red currants are more resistant to drought and more productive than other types of currants, and their wood is more durable. The preference was given to the variety “Troitskaya”.

This is one of the newest varieties of Ukrainian selection, obtained from crossing the varieties “Jonkheer Van Tets” and “Altai Rannyaya”, not whimsical to growing conditions and resistant to major fungal diseases.

It should be said that not all regions of Ukraine are suitable for growing currants. This culture is not for a warm climate like in the South, but in the Cherkasy region, it feels great.

Moreover, there was chosen a proper area for its cultivation, namely on the river bank. What is needed for healthy berry growth? Water, particularly drip irrigation, weather conditions, and protection from weeds, pests, and diseases. Thus, we can ensure the proper cultivation of red currants in our region”.

On the outskirts of Kamenny Brod, where there used to be a public pasture, 70,000 currant bushes now grow. Soon the first harvest of berries will be gathered here, but the garden strawberries, under which 10 hectares have been allocated, have already been relished with pleasure by consumers this season.

Usually, the berries collected by employees hired for a fairly decent salary, are sent by residents to freeze, and then, according to Vitaly Pismenny, to European countries and the trade network of Ukraine.

Buzhanskaya OTG, on the territory of which the enterprise is located, is interested in cooperation with such a neighbor. After all, in the first year of their activity, the community budget received almost 100,000 hryvnias of tax.

It is noteworthy that in the currant garden, there was also a place for varieties that were bred by a native of Buzhanka, a famous breeder, candidate of biological sciences Peter Sherengovy.

Further, the company plans to breed sea buckthorn and garden crops.

Сообщение New varieties of red currants of Ukrainian selection are grown in Ukraine появились сначала на EastFruit.

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