Армения • EastFruit https://east-fruit.ru/en/ Информация о рынке овощей, фруктов, ягод и орехов Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии Mon, 25 Oct 2021 12:01:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://east-fruit.ru/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-Logosq-32x32.png Армения • EastFruit https://east-fruit.ru/en/ 32 32 Armenia is increasing the production and exports of fresh apples https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/armenia-is-increasing-the-production-and-export-of-fresh-apples/ https://east-fruit.ru/en/news/armenia-is-increasing-the-production-and-export-of-fresh-apples/#respond Mon, 25 Oct 2021 06:53:49 +0000 https://east-fruit.ru/?p=90068 According to EastFruit analysts, Armenia has recently joined the group of large regional exporters of fresh apples. Following Georgia, which has turned from a large net importer of apples into an exporter, Armenia exported more than 2.7 thousand tons in 2020, sharply increasing supplies. It is likely to renew its apple exports record...

Сообщение Armenia is increasing the production and exports of fresh apples появились сначала на EastFruit.


According to EastFruit analysts, Armenia has recently joined the group of large regional exporters of fresh apples.

Following Georgia, which has turned from a large net importer of apples into an exporter, Armenia exported more than 2.7 thousand tons in 2020, sharply increasing supplies. It is likely to renew its apple exports record again in 2021, since it has already exported almost as many apples in the first 7 months of the year as in the whole 2020. Moreover, if we compare apple exports from Armenia in January-July 2021 with the same period in 2020, the volume of supplies increased by 4.7 times.

However, it is not as obvious as it seems. It is possible that not all of the apples exported were grown in Armenia. If we pay attention to the volume of apple imports, the sharp increase in apple imports to the country from Iran is striking, and the growth rate of imports is comparable to the growth rate of exports.

Read also: Greenco from Armenia offers apples, cherries and apricots of an unique mountain taste

Nevertheless, as local participants in the fruit and vegetable market report, apple production has indeed been growing in Armenia in recent years. Moreover, quite large modern apple orchards were established in several regions at once, which gradually come into full fruiting. Accordingly, the supply of apples on the domestic market is growing, and the volumes required for exports are emerging. Local growers still lack modern facilities for storing, sorting and packing apples, although these investments are already being discussed.

This once again confirms the deep crisis of the global fresh apple market we covered in the article #freshapplecrisis. It is extremely important for growers to combine marketing efforts and improve the quality now, as Ukrainian farmers did with the support of the Ukrainian Horticultural Association.

Сообщение Armenia is increasing the production and exports of fresh apples появились сначала на EastFruit.

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